Zoo professionals using positive, force free training for brilliant results
With a combined experience of over ten years in the zoological profession, caring for animals is our passion. A vital part of what we do is building a positive, cooperative relationship with an animal. We will take our experience and knowledge and help you do the same for you and your pet, whether furry, scaly, or feathered. We will build and grow the relationship, confidence, and cooperation between you and your animal through positive reinforcement training and non-aversive techniques. Let us train your pets, whether an in person session in central Florida or virtually anywhere, we can teach all species, breeds, ages, and capacities!

Why we use reward-based methods
Have you ever wondered how zoos get a voluntary blood draw on a bottlenose dolphin, give eye drops to a walrus, or do an awake radiograph on a penguin? The answer is simple; force free training. This is not just what we know, it is supported by the science of dog psychology and training.
Force-free training is an incredibly effective approach. It yields desired results without harming the animal. We want to build your relationship with your animal for clear communication and great cooperation. We do not believe in aversive techniques because studies have shown dog’s trained this way have higher amounts of cortisol (stress hormone), are more likely to develop undesirable behaviors of aggression and anxiety, and have a less secure attachment to their owners. Training can be fun for both you and your pet!
Book a Training Session
We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.